Latest News 2011 March Parents Facing Jail Time for Delinquent Child Support May Be Granted Attorneys

Parents Facing Jail Time for Delinquent Child Support May Be Granted Attorneys

Should parents who are facing jail time be granted court-appointed attorneys? This is the question that stands before the Supreme Court this week.

According to NPR the primary point being discussed by the justices this week is whether a long jail sentence for civil contempt is equal to criminal punishment. One of the primary voices against this case, the American Civil Liberties Union, believes that it is unfair that parents are being jailed for being poor. A federal study released back in 2007 shows that there has been an improvement in child support collection since the early nineties and early 2000s. However, the share of those collecting child support has increased as well in regards to black single mothers.

The court does not expect to have a ruling until this summer, leaving the fate of many in limbo.

If you are having difficulty obtaining the child support you need and deserve, call a family law attorney today. It is possible to get your payments, and even increase them, but only with the help of an attorney experienced in family law.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
