Latest News 2011 July Massachusetts Continues to Pursue Alimony Reform

Massachusetts Continues to Pursue Alimony Reform

Massachusetts may join several other states in changing outdated spousal support laws.

The state House announced this week that it will look into the current alimony laws to see what changes can be made. At a session in which few attended, Representative Paul J. Donato announced that sweeping reforms could be expected in alimony laws, and that a more formal session would be scheduled next week to discuss the specifics. State officials can expect to see new guidelines emerge out of this reform regarding the amount and duration of alimony payments that can be doled out to former spouses.

Those who disagree with the laws as they stand argue that the entire system is arbitrary, causing problems and undue economic hardship for many who divorce in the state. Under the old system judges are given full discretion to grant alimony as they see fit, and can even give lifetime alimony.

Although the state has attempted to review alimony laws in the past, some political experts say that the continuing decline in the economy has spurred many supporters to back changes in alimony laws to alleviate economic stresses.

Do you plan to seek alimony payments from your former spouse?  If so, it is advised that you work with a family lawyer in your state who can advise you throughout the legal process.
