Latest News 2011 April Wisconsin Child Support Department May Incur $1 Million Cut

Wisconsin Child Support Department May Incur $1 Million Cut

Already strapped for cash, the primary agency for collecting child support in Wisconsin could now suffer an $1 million blow.

If Gov. Scott Walker's proposed budget cuts are pushed through then the Dane County child support division would lose $1 million in funding over the next two years. The executive director for the unit, Kathleen Falk, appealed to the governor's office this month, stating that they are already expecting cuts amounting to $840,000 through 2013. The proposed budget cuts would increase this number to $8 million.

In addition to losing necessary funds the unit would lose ten of its staff members. This could mean that hundreds of families, especially those who are deemed to be poor, would lose the support they need to collect child support payments. The primary responsibility of this agency is to seek out the appropriate parent who is responsible for making these payments and enforcing their court orders. In the end it is the children who would be the greatest victims of this budget cut as they would be less likely to get the child support they need.

If you're in need of child support, now is the time to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable family law attorney.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
