Latest News 2011 January Laboratory Sued Over Botched Paternity Test

Laboratory Sued Over Botched Paternity Test

A man who discovered that his decades-old paternity test had been botched has settled his case against the laboratory responsible. Gerald Spiller sued National Legal Laboratories and its parent company for depriving him of ten years with the child that he fathered ten years ago.

When he realized the mistake in 2008 Spiller decided to sue the companies responsible for it. The child's mother, Sara Pate, also filed a suit against the labs. This suit was brought before a federal court where it also settled out.

Although the terms of the settlement have not been publicly disclosed, Spiller had been seeking damages in excess of $50,000 as well as costs. It is known that both parties will bear their own costs of the trial. Last year the case went to mediation in an attempt to settle it faster.

If you are curious about the paternity of a child that you believe it is time to hire a family law attorney to get the legal help you deserve.

Categories: Family Law, Paternity
