Latest News 2011 August High Divorce Rate Amongst Armenians

High Divorce Rate Amongst Armenians

While the United States is known for its high divorce rate, other countries are reporting a higher number of divorces as well, such as Armenia.

Based on new data released, there have already been 1,500 divorces filed this year in Armenia, compared to 9,400 marriages. While both figures represent an increase from the year before, state and local officials are concerned about the increasing rate of divorce in their country.

Fewer marriages and increasing divorces means that fewer children are being born in Armenia. The figures for 2011 show a 4.4% decrease from the year before, which is surprising since 2010 showed an increase in the birth rate. These figures also represent a serious decline from the early 1990's and beyond, which has been attributed to poor economic times and a massive emigration of Armenians since that time.

Are you considering divorce? If so, take the time consult with a family law attorney about your case.

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
