Latest News 2011 April Deputy Arrested for Failure to Pay

Deputy Arrested for Failure to Pay

The tables of the law turned this week when a sheriff's deputy spent four hours in jail as the guilty party. 

A Deputy from the Dallas County warrant division is in trouble for not making his child support payments. According to the spokeswoman, an internal affairs investigation has begun on the father and his delinquent payments. In an effort to police its own employees, the sheriff's department has uncovered several employees who owe the county money or currently have active warrants. 

Although the man divorced his wife back in 2008, court records show that this is not the first time that he has been late in making payments. In fact, other judges have had to file contempt orders against him for the same crime. The latest filing against the man by his ex-wife shows that he owes more than $15,000 in back payments for his three children. 

Until he is able to pay off the entire amount on his own, Dallas County will withdraw a certain amount of money from each of his paychecks until the amount has been paid off.

Need assistance collecting child support?  Now is the time to get in touch with a family lawyer.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
