Latest News 2010 May Walgreens Opts Out of Selling Genetic Tests

Walgreens Opts Out of Selling Genetic Tests

Recently, Walgreens announced that it was backing out of selling home DNA tests that were created by Pathway Genomics.  The announcement came just days before the tests were scheduled to hit store shelves. 

The test claims that it can determine which diseases a person may be at risk for and screens for prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.  With the tests, people are supposed to be able to screen for these problematic diseases without having to consult with a doctor. 

The tests, which are available online, have not been carried in any retail stores to date and cost $30.  Doctors across the country caution that in this stage of the game, genetic tests may not live up to what they promise.  People that choose to order the tests online receive a mechanism to collect their saliva.  They send in their sample and then wait for a response that details their genetic health risks for up to 70 conditions.

Doctors also say that while these DNA kits have produced successful paternity results, the test labs overseeing the genetic tests are not accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks, which makes results questionable.

If you have questions about paternity, instead of trying to figure out paternity testing options on your own, consult with a family law attorney that handles paternity cases.

Categories: Family Law, Paternity
