Latest News 2010 July Deputies Round Up Child Support Offenders

Deputies Round Up Child Support Offenders

The Lubbock County Sheriff's Office recently completed a two-day roundup of child support offenders in the Lubbock County, TX, area. The operation was aimed at parents who failed to pay child support long enough to earn themselves criminal charges.

The warrants department of the Sheriff's Office started by issuing 39 warrants for failure to pay child support. The warrants were provided by the Attorney General's office. By the end of the two-day operation, fifteen child support offenders were arrested. Additionally, eighteen child support warrants were cleared by arrest. The team that performed the operation was composed of four deputies. The deputies leading the operation also discovered five pounds of marijuana in a residence while issuing one of the warrants.

If your former spouse or partner has repeatedly failed to pay his or her child support, find a family law attorney who can help you get the monetary support that you deserve.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
