Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

There are several key advantages of choosing a collaborative divorce instead of a traditional divorce. The two most apparent benefits of involve time and money. Collaborative divorce is generally much less expensive because the divorcees do not have to pay a judge or court fees. It is also usually a faster option than traditional divorce because the couple can work the meetings into their schedules and not have to wait on the court.

Another advantage of opting for collaborative divorce is that when it is done right, it creates a much more comfortable atmosphere than a courtroom setting. Both spouses must be willing to communicate respectfully and truthfully, and the attorneys and (sometimes) mediators or accountants are there to oversee and guide the meetings. When both spouses cooperate, the atmosphere is lighter and easier to work in than in a courtroom setting. The couples agree to work together in order to achieve mutual satisfaction with the settlement. The goal of collaborative divorce is to come to a conclusion that is mutually pleasing for both parties without antagonistic pressure being put on either party.

Also, in collaborative divorce, the couple is assured of privacy. In a traditional divorce, information surrounding the divorce is open to the public because anyone can sit in on the hearing. In the collaborative divorce, however, only the spouses and their attorneys are present, with the optional presence of personally-selected mediators or other professionals.

As the couple knows their personal situation far better than a judge ever could, and provided that they are willing and able to work together honestly, they are the best ones to work out the decisions surrounding their divorce. They can come to a decision that best suits their needs. If they have children, they can make decisions regarding child custody and child support based on their knowledge of their own children's needs.

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