Bauer Law Group, LLC Articles Why choose a collaborative law divorce in Connecticut?

Why choose a collaborative law divorce in Connecticut?

By Bauer Law Group  Aug. 5, 2013 11:50a

Going through a divorce is generally a very stressful experience. It can also be an expensive proposition in divorces where the couple contests the issues, requiring courtroom appearances, evidence, and legal representation. These contentious divorces lead to the decisions concerning all facets of the split, such as child custody and visitation, alimony, and marital property and debt division, left up to family court judges. When handed down a decision by a judge, the couple involved must comply. Such a process can leave individuals upset, angry, considerably more in debt, and sets the stage for future legal problems and personal conflicts between the ex-spouses.

The best way to avoid the emotional and financial toll of a contested divorce is to decide to cooperate through an alternate dispute resolution method such as a collaborative law divorce. In this type of divorce, each spouse has his or her own attorney and the four individuals sit down together to work out a mutually-acceptable divorce agreement. Problem-solving, constructive communication, and an agreement not to litigate are the rules of the process. Should one or the other of the spouses decide that courtroom litigation is the only answer, the collaborative law process ends with both attorneys being barred from further involvement in the case. The collaborative process is a private matter conducted in sessions which are set up by those involved and aimed at remaining in control of the decisions and issues which need to be resolved. Because the process is done outside of a courtroom, it is less costly, less time-consuming, less problematic and stressful.

Connecticut Divorce and Family Law Firm

Divorce and family law issues are inherently emotionally stressful, dealing with such matters as dissolution of marriages, child custody and visitation, child support, alimony, the division of marital property and debts, domestic violence, fathers' rights, grandparents' rights, relocation, paternity, and same-sex marriages. These issues affect the very heart of the life of individuals, couples, children, and extended families and how they are resolved can have a long-lasting impact on everyone.

The Bauer Law Group, serving clients throughout the state of Connecticut, understands how personal and sensitive these matters can be. This is a firm that is devoted to providing the highest level of legal competence and care to all family law issues, offering alternative methods for resolving disputes through both mediation and collaborative law besides traditional courtroom litigation. Whatever type of family law issue you are facing, getting knowledgeable and skilled legal assistance can make a huge difference in how your case is handled. To learn more about the firm can help you, contact the law office to schedule a free consultation.

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