Featured News 2014 Study Shows Conservative States Have Higher Divorce Rates

Study Shows Conservative States Have Higher Divorce Rates

A study on divorce and marriage shows that conservative states have higher divorce rates than liberal states. This is partially because conservative states hold onto family values. Conservative states often shun premarital sex. They disapprove of unmarried pregnancies. They encourage young adults to marry young. In liberal states, the pressure to marry before sex, pregnancy, or getting a job is off. Liberals are free to live with their significant other. This culture discourages the idea of marriage, therefore eliminating the possibility of divorce.

Demographers at the University of Texas recently investigated a county-by-county divorce rate to learn which states have the highest divorce rates. University of Iowa professors also backed the case study. The results of the study will be published in the American Journal of Sociology. Raw Story says researchers found that conservative family values in the Bible-belt led to higher divorce rates.

In fact, religiously conservative protestant communities have higher divorce rates. Even those who do not claim to be Protestants have higher tendencies to divorce when they live in a religiously protestant location. This is because individuals are influenced by their culture. Even if a person is not protestant, he or she may be pressured to marry young in this community. If that person doesn't marry young, he or she may be distinguished as unruly.

If a woman gets pregnant when unmarried, and does not wed the father of the baby, the community may frown upon the action. Even if the mother is not protestant, she may be pressured to marry the baby's father to preserve her reputation. In a liberal state, the same woman may be free to live with her baby's father, or leave the father if she's fit. Liberal states are open to untraditional families and will not disapprove as heartily.

The study by demographers was controlled for the effect of poverty. This is because the southern Bible blat has a poorer demographic and this contributes to a higher divorce rate. Demographers found that even when they accounted for income and a higher overall rate of marriage in southern states, the protestant states still had higher divorce rates.

The religiously conservative states of Alabama and Arkansas have the second and third highest divorce rates in America. In both states, 13 per 1,000 people file for divorce per year. In New Jersey and Massachusetts, two very liberal states, the divorce rate was shockingly low. In these states, about 6 or 7 people file for divorce per 1,000.

The researchers say that early marriage and low income factor into higher divorce rates. Authors also wrote that Protestants or those from protestant states tend to have lower educational levels. Therefore, they are not able to get good jobs. Without good jobs, these married people fall into poverty. Poverty incites frustration. This breaks apart marriages. Researchers also suggested that conservative people tend to have children earlier. Financial difficulties paired with a new baby can lead to conflict.

The authors of the study concluded that conservatives encourage youth to marry and do not support young adults who postpone their marriage or live with partners. Conservative states value abstinence. Some states have restrictions on birth control and abortion. Women in conservative states may avoid college and wait to marry. These women sometimes deny job training. They may choose to live with their parents until they find a suitable spouse. Whether you are from a conservative state or a liberal one, divorce may be necessary. If you need to file for divorce, don't hesitate to hire a local family lawyer to help you today!

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