Latest News 2012 February Kris Humphries Accuses Wife of Fraud

Kris Humphries Accuses Wife of Fraud

One husband is using his fame to not only air his feelings about the marriage but to show people what a reality TV marriage is really like. Kris Humphries, the short-lived husband of Kim Kardashian, is taking his wife to court. He claims that their marriage was a complete sham and that Kim only agreed to the marriage so that she could make money off the endorsements. A judge has agreed to not only hear the case but to allow it to be televised.

Although his lawyers claim that they have pushed for cameras in the courtroom to show how much the Kardashian family uses everything in their lives the boost ratings, many believe that it is a ploy to simply get back at his wife. Humphries was supposedly shocked to learn that his wife wanted a divorce after just 72 days of marriage. Facing a difficult divorce? Make sure you have a legal advocate on your side – hire a family lawyer.
