Latest News 2011 May Child Support Raid Conducted Over Mother's Day

Child Support Raid Conducted Over Mother's Day

Sheriff's in Baltimore were kept busy over Mother's Day weekend conducting a child support raid.

They were successful in nabbing 22 individuals who have long been delinquent on their child support payments. Together, they owe almost $328,000 in back support. The sheriff's went out into the community over the weekend, warrants in hand, to search out those individuals who refuse to make their child support payments.

This raid is an annual event, and is usually held on the days leading up to Mother's Day. This year, five of the 22 individuals arrested were women. While this is considered a success for the department, there are currently 2,000 open warrants for people who are delinquent. Baltimore staffs a full-time child support warrant team, thanks in part to a federal grant. This dedicated group brings in an average of thirty individuals who are delinquent on their child support payments each month.

Are you owed child support?  If so, now is the time to discuss your options with a family lawyer.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
