Latest News 2011 July Woman Wants Child Support after 34 Years

Woman Wants Child Support after 34 Years

A strange child support case went before a New York judge this week as a woman is seeking delinquent payments - from 34 years ago.

According to the lawsuit filed against a 77-year-old man by his ex-wife, the man owes $100,000 in back child support payments. After reviewing their original divorce papers and settlements, the former wife realized that she was owed $14,393.57 in child support. After factoring interest since 1977, the year of their divorce, that amount has increased to $100,000.

Despite the fact that the couples' three children are now adults with families of their own, they have engaged lawyers to battle over the remaining sum for the past 34 years. In an effort to end the longstanding fight, the woman reportedly attempted to call her ex-husband, who did not respond. Instead, he hung up the phone when he realized who it was.

The case will be heard in the Brooklyn Supreme Court.

Child support can be a difficult legal matter to resolve without the aid of a family lawyer.  If you're in need of child support, don't wait to hire a family law attorney near you.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
