Latest News 2011 January Sarah Palin's Stalker Won't Let Things Go

Sarah Palin's Stalker Won't Let Things Go

The teenage stalker that has been hounding Sarah Palin simply will not let things go. Even though Shawn Christy already has a restraining order out against him, as ordered by the politician herself, he has now told TMZ that he wouldn't be in this whole mess if she had texted him first.

Although it is an unlikely story coming from a not-so-reputable source, the public is curious to learn more about the 19-year-old who claims that he began to receive "ominous" texts from Palin as soon as 2009. However, the texts were from an unknown number and the person only alluded to her identity, never fully revealing herself as Palin.

Christy's father is backing his son's story up even if he doesn't have all the details straight himself. He did tell TMZ that the FBI was alerted; however, the agency decided to investigate the young boy rather than the politician. They used the information gathered from several interviews to corroborate the need for a restraining order.

Looking to obtain an order of protection?  Get in touch with a family law attorney!
