Latest News 2011 December Three Arrested for Unpaid Child Support

Three Arrested for Unpaid Child Support

Even though police arrested 3 people on unpaid child support warrants in one county, the financial results were poor when compared with the rest of the state.   Sheriffs in Cumberland County were given three days to serve warrants across the county. All of the warrants were for individuals that were declared criminally negligent for failing to make court-ordered child support payments.

While nearly forty people were sent to jail, police were only able to collect about $1,600 in unpaid payments. These people owed a collective amount of $595,000; thus, the sheriffs collected just about one percent of the total amount due.

During the same three day period sheriffs in other counties made similar arrests. They were able to pull in nearly $285,000 of the $15.5 million that is currently owed in New Jersey. The average amount of funds paid by parents that were arrested over the weekend was $288.58.

If you need help seeking the child support you are owed, don't wait to enlist the services of a family lawyer near you.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
