Latest News 2011 December Child Support Sweep for 41 Warrants

Child Support Sweep for 41 Warrants

Did you know that you could be arrested for failing to make child support payments? It's true. Some people learned that the hard way when they were arrested this month in a state-wide warrant sweep.

Officers with Salem County worked together with the Department of Human Services to target those individuals that were seriously negligent. The court issued arrest warrants for the individuals based on a history of failing to make child support payments. With these warrants in hand, the officers conducted a warrant sweep across the county.

At the end of the three-day sweep, a total of 34 people were arrested on 41 warrants. Officers were successful in collecting nearly $9,000 from the arrested individuals, all of which will go to the parents that are owed money.

Are you tired of fighting for child support payments? Get the legal help you need now by hiring a family lawyer near you.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
