Latest News 2011 December Child Custody Arrangements

Child Custody Arrangements

Are you filing for custody of your child? It is important to understand the different types of custodies you can file under and how you should proceed.

In most cases, one parent will be given sole custody. This can either be sole legal custody or sole physical custody. If the parent can show that the other parent is simply unfit to have custody of the child, perhaps due to a personal problem such as drug dependency, the courts generally will not hesitate to award sole custody.

There is a recent trend, however, showing that courts are trying to move away from awarding sole custody on a regular basis. Rather than just allow the mother to have custody, as is often the case, courts are working to give both parents the right to keep the child through joint legal custody. This gives both parents an equal say in the child's life, even if the child lives with just one parent regularly.

Have questions about child custody?  Take the time to have your questions answered by a family lawyer near you.

Categories: Child Custody, Family Law
