Latest News 2011 December Agency Increases Annual Child Support Collections

Agency Increases Annual Child Support Collections

Despite being overworked, the agents at a child support agency collected a higher-than-average amount of child support this past year.  October represented the end of the fiscal year for child support agents in the county.

Upon reviewing their records, the department learned that it had collected over $16.5 million over the past year. This represented a 6.2 percent increase from the previous year. While this figure is high, it only represents 60 percent of what is currently owed in the county.

All of this money was collected by just 18 people working to cover the entire county. In total, they dealt with 15,659 child support cases over the span of twelve months. In Indiana, the average number of child support workers per office is 29, which means that the Vanderburgh County office was working against all odds to have done so well in obtaining much-needed funds.

Do you need help getting child support payments that you are owed?  If so, now is the time to work with a family lawyer near you.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
