Latest News 2011 August Politician Accused of Failure to Pay Child Support

Politician Accused of Failure to Pay Child Support

You would think that government officials would be responsible about making their child support payments. However, more information has been leaked about the U.S. Representative who has failed to make child support payments to the tune of $115, 294.

According to document filed in court last week by his ex-wife, the representative made regular child support payments between November 2005 and March 2008. Without warning, however, he stopped making payments altogether in 2008. The document goes on to say that the reason the ex-husband gave - that he simply didn't have the money - is false.

When you are having a difficult time getting the money you are owed from your former partner or spouse, it is time to take your case to the courts.  You can explore your legal options by speaking with a family lawyer in your area who has handled delinquent child support payment cases in the past. 

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
