Latest News 2011 April Kate Gosselin Has Life Together After Divorce

Kate Gosselin Has Life Together After Divorce

While it may be hard to believe that reality stars Kate and Jon Gosselin split almost two years ago, it will surprise many even more that Kate has yet to go on a real date since then.

In an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show last week, Gosselin went on to say that, "I feel like I have my life together pretty much, but let's be honest; it's going to take a strong person to wrangle this mess." With 10-year-old twins and five-year-old sextuplets, Kate has a lot to offer possible suitors, or scare them away.

While Kate is still running the show, starring in her reality series Kate Plus 8, she wishes that the kids' father would play a more active role. Since the divorce became final Jon was given just two custody weekends per month. Until then Kate is focusing on her children and keeping her love life on the back burner until she (and the children) are ready.

Divorce is never an easy decision, especially when children are involved. Before you submit any paperwork, speak with a family law attorney now to start discussing the pros and cons of divorce, as well as what will be expected of both parties should you decide to file.

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
