Latest News 2010 March Attorney Challenges Child Support Rules

Attorney Challenges Child Support Rules

A Cape Coral attorney is challenging the constitutionality of a program that he claims denies defendants of due process. This program is one that enrolls parents in the Pay or Appear program to pay child support and to hold them accountable of this. The attorney challenging this believes that it is a good program for parents who just do not pay, but that many parents are affected by the economy and want to pay, but can’t so they are thrown in jail.

Dealing with child support issues is never easy, and clearly courts take these matters very seriously. You need to understand your options and rights when you are dealing with a child support issue. It’s important that you handle your child support case in the proper way because it can affect every aspect of your life if it is mishandled.

With the help of a family law attorney, you can begin to resolve this issue in the easiest way possible. A lawyer will know what to expect with your case and what your best options are in getting your life back together. You can count on an attorney to always have your best interest in mind during this difficult time. Please take some time to contact a family law lawyer and begin discussing the details of your case.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
