Latest News 2010 July Louisiana Passes Bill to Collect Gambling Winnings

Louisiana Passes Bill to Collect Gambling Winnings

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, it is reported that the state government recently passed new legislation.  Now, when parents that are delinquent with child support payments and win money while gambling, the state will have the right to seize the winnings.

On Thursday, Governor Bobby Jindal signed the measure that was proposed by Senator Nick Gautreaux, making the measure a law.  With the passage of the new law, the state will have the right to seize winnings that exceed $1,200 from parents who are behind on their child support payments.  The Gaming Control Board will have to develop regulations to be in compliance with the new law by January 1st, 2011. 

At this time, the state says that more than $1 billion is owed to thousands of children in Louisiana.

Need help with a child support or related family law matter?  If so, it is to your benefit to work with a family lawyer that has handled prior child support cases in your resident state.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
