Cutter & Lax, Attorneys at Law - Westlake Village Videos Additional Factors Determining Alimony

More Videos From Cutter & Lax, Attorneys at Law - Westlake Village

Alimony and Support Modifications

Attorney Matthew Lax speaks about changing the amount of child or spousal support you are required to pay if you have lost your job or are receiving less income.
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Nelson Cutter speaks about how alimony or spousal support is determined.
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Community Property

Attorney Nelson Cutter defines the term community property and explains how that property is divided after a dissolution of marriage.
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Domestic Violence and Alimony

Nelson Cutter speaks about domestic violence and your eligibility to receive spousal support.
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Factors in Determining Alimony

Attorney Nelson Cutter explains what may determine the amount of spousal support that will be ordered.
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