Latest News 2012 October International Custody Dispute Ends for Four Sisters

International Custody Dispute Ends for Four Sisters

According to The Age, the long-time custody battle between two parents who live in Australia and Italy has finally come to an end. When parents live on different continents, it can make custody battles very complicated. Visitation is not as easy, and typically the children will spend all of their time with one parent and never see the other. In this case, four sisters argued that they wanted to remain with their mother in Brisbane, Australia. Their father, who lives in Italy, continuously battled for them in court. The case was heard in both countries.

Eventually, the Brisbane court dismissed their mother’s last-hope appeal to keep them in Australia. As a result, they were placed on planes back to Italy. The two older girls were sent back to their father’s country on a flight and the younger two spent one last night with their mother. This is because when they were placed on the plane with their sisters they threw a traumatizing temper tantrum that offended people on the airplane. The flight attendants requested that the younger girls be removed from the flight because of their screaming.

Witnesses on the plane say that the situation was heartbreaking. The two young girls spend one night at the Novotel hotel at Brisbane overnight and then took a flight to Italy in the morning. The girls’ mother has no immediate plans to fly to Italy and does not intend to relocate to be closer to her daughters. The girls’ great-grandmother still says that the mother does not think that the custody battle is “over.” She argues that she is scared top fly on airplanes and doesn’t have the money to afford a flight to Italy. She claims that she will still work in court to battle for custody. The case will now be re-heard in Italy as was recommended by the Brisbane jurisdiction. If you are involved in an international custody dispute like this one, then talk to a personal injury attorney today for more information!
