Latest News 2012 June NFL Player Speaks About Multiple Child Support Cases on TV

NFL Player Speaks About Multiple Child Support Cases on TV

A famous football player will appear on television but not to talk about sports. Terrell Owens has been invited onto the Dr. Phil show to discuss the ongoing child support cases against him. It is no secret that Owens has fathered several children to multiple women. However, at least three of those women are claiming that the former athlete is grossly behind on his payments. These three women will also appear on the show to confront him and talk about Owens' relationship with his children.

Although Owens made millions during his NFL career, the athlete has had trouble with his finances since retiring from the sport. The show is expected to reveal why he has not been making his payments and whether he plans on doing so in the future. If you are having trouble getting child support from your former spouse/partner, take the time to discuss your case with a family law attorney as soon as possible.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
