Latest News 2012 January 126 Arrested in Louisiana for Owing Child Support

126 Arrested in Louisiana for Owing Child Support

States across the nation are working to locate non-custodial parents that are behind on their regular payments. In Louisiana last month, 126 individuals were arrested for owing a collective amount of more than $1.1 million. In addition to the arrests, officers working with the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services collected $74,000 in late child support funds. This money was collected from parents that have shown to be chronically late in making their payments. The individuals that were arrested were given the opportunity to pay the full amount owed in order to be released from jail. Although it is uncertain how many people were able to take that option, it is known that $33,302 was collected from the arrested individuals.

Are you having trouble making your child support payments? If so, you should speak with a family law attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal options. It is possible to have your payments reduced, or at least delayed, to accommodate your current financial circumstances. However, you'll want to get legal help immediately as failure to pay child support can lead to legal repercussions.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
