Latest News 2011 October Singer in Jail Over Child Support

Singer in Jail Over Child Support

Even though he spent a few days in jail, one singer is still holding firm to his statement about child support negligence.

The singer was thrown in jail earlier this month in Massachusetts after the mother of his two children revealed that he was $400,000 behind on his payments. He was taken into custody just moments after he finished at concert in Springfield. After spending a few days behind bars, the singer was released only after he made a payment of $11,000 towards his overdue child support payments.

In addition to that payment, the singer agreed to a weekly schedule of child support payments. He must pay $920 weekly, in addition to a lump sum payment of $10,000. His total amount owed is $420,000, an amount that he now claims he will pay down on a weekly basis. However, his legal team has revealed that he is still debating the total amount he owes for his two daughters, ages 17 and 18.

Hoping to get child support for your children?  Get legal help from a family lawyer so you have assistance you need throughout your case.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
