Latest News 2011 October Protecting Yourself from Domestic Violence

Protecting Yourself from Domestic Violence

You should never stay with an abusive person, but if something happens, you should be prepared. Remembering these simple tips can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

You should start with an escape plan. Sit down and think about all of the possible exits in your home, including doors and windows. Opt first for rooms that can be locked from the inside, and keep a phone in that room at all times.

If you have children, teach your children how to escape in the case of an emergency. You will also need to establish an emergency contact if you and/or your children need to escape. Ideally a neighbor or a friend nearby that you can run to within moments.

Pack a bag full of emergency essentials and keep it near one of the exits. This should include copies of important documents, cash and extra medical supplies.

Finally, if you are a domestic violence victim, seek help immediately by calling police or hiring a family law attorney who help you put an end to abuse.
