Latest News 2011 November The Pros of Divorce Mediation

The Pros of Divorce Mediation

Rather than spend months fighting back and forth through lawyers, you and your spouse can sit down and discuss everything via divorce mediation.

This is a process that has been gaining in popularity over the past few years. The concept is simple: both parties sit down with a neutral third party, a mediator, to discuss each and every aspect of your divorce settlement. While no two settlements are alike, there are five major categories that each couple will have to discuss: distribution of property, retirement, taxes, and if children are present, child custody and child support.

While mediation may not work for everyone, it can be a godsend for those couples that want to quickly yet effectively work on their divorce settlement. Once both parties are satisfied with the final document, each should bring the document to their respective lawyers for one last look. Once the document has been approved by both lawyers, it will have to be approved by a judge in order for the settlement to be finalized.

To learn more about divorce mediation, speak with a family lawyer in your city of residence.

Categories: Divorce, Divorce Mediation
