Latest News 2011 November Congressman Denying Child Support Rumors

Congressman Denying Child Support Rumors

One Congressman is attempting to clean up his image after his ex-wife made headlines by claiming that he was seriously behind in child support payments.

The two are expected back in court this week and his attorney is on the defensive. She hopes to clear up the allegations that he is $117,437 behind in his child support payments; a figure which both she and her client claim is false.

While the two are supposed to be present before a Cook County Judge this week, it is certain to be an uncomfortable meeting. The Congressman published a 31-page "memo" stating that his ex-wife was trying to use his position of power as a way to get back at him.

In the memo, he goes on to say that he does not have multiple missing payments from November 2005 to June 2007. However, he does admit to not making certain payments after that point, but claims to have had a verbal agreement with the mother of his three children.

If you are owed past due child support, hire a family law attorney in your area who can help you obtain payments.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
