Latest News 2011 July Signs of Child Molestation and Abuse

Signs of Child Molestation and Abuse

While bruises are often a first indication that child abuse is happening at home or school, not all signs of abuse will be obvious or external.

Children who are experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of their loved ones or protectors can develop a variety of problems that amount to much more than bruises. These problems can include, but are not limited to: depression, withdrawal from friends, nightmares and/or problems sleeping, avoiding things that are sexual in nature and/or inappropriate seductiveness, referring to their bodies as dirty, a refusal to attend school and always having secrets.

When you are speaking with a child about molestation, it is important to remain as calm as possible. You need to gain the trust of the child, even if you are a parent of the child, as speaking about molestation can be difficult for your young one. There are also measures you can take to prevent molestation, such as teaching your children what is considered inappropriate touching and having them tell you if they are touched by someone in an inappropriate manner.

If your child has been sexually abused, you should seek the help of a family lawyer that handles juvenile cases.  By seeking help, you can put an end to maltreatment.
