Latest News 2011 February Obtaining Modification of Alimony

Obtaining Modification of Alimony

It is possible to obtain modification of alimony if both parties are agreeable to it.

In cases where both parties have been able to maintain a friendly relationship they can agree to a modification without involving the court system. However, even though you are feeling friendly now there could be a change in circumstances that might change the mind of one or both parties. To protect yourself in the future it is best to get any agreed-upon modifications signed by a judge. 

However a change in alimony is not always an easy process. If one party does not want a change in alimony then the other party will have to go before a judge to request a modification. A judge will then review the dependant spouse's needs, their ability to contribute to the household and the ability of the other spouse to financially handle those needs.

Have questions about alimony payments?  Speak with a family lawyer in your city of residence.
