Latest News 2011 August Star Alleged to be Father of Baby

Star Alleged to be Father of Baby

A young woman struggling to make it big in Hollywood just may have her chance with her new baby.

The young woman has refused to divulge the identity of her baby girl's father, and the suspected actor has yet to confirm the paternity. However, a quick glance at the child's birth certificate does reveal a clue. Although it leaves the space for biological father blank, it does include his surname in the baby's name, although not as the baby's surname.

After being witnessed visiting her in the hospital and even taking her to doctor appointments, it seems as though there is no question regarding the paternity of the child. If the young woman is going to ask for child support, however, she will need to establish paternity first, no matter who the father is.

Do you have questions about the paternity of your child? If so, now is the time to get a family law attorney involved in your case.

Categories: Family Law, Paternity
