Latest News 2011 August Former Teenage Heartthrob to Remarry

Former Teenage Heartthrob to Remarry

A former teenage heartthrob shocked fans by announcing his divorce from his wife of 14 years. The star of a new TV show then announced just three months later that he is engaged to a young, blond advertising executive.

Those following his divorce were shocked to learn about his choice to marry again so quickly. While it is uncertain as to exactly how long he has actually been dating his fiancee, most believe that it is way too soon to pursue another marriage. After being married for over a decade, most people would need time to recuperate from the divorce, mourn the end of their relationship and think carefully about entering a new one.

The actor has several young children with his ex-wife, which may be one reason why he is seeking another marriage so soon. While some believe that he wants to provide a stable home for his children, there are others who are publicly criticizing his choice.

If you need help throughout your divorce, now is the right time to get a family law attorney involved.
