Latest News 2011 August Baseball Legend Subjected to Restraining Order

Baseball Legend Subjected to Restraining Order

A former baseball legend found himself back in the news this month, but not on positive terms.

While some were surprised that he was able to land his bikini-model girlfriend at all, they were even more shocked when he started speaking badly about her on his Twitter account. As a result, she went before a judge in Superior Court obtain a restraining order against him. She told the judge not only about the Twitter comments, but about additional forms of harassment she endured while living with him.

The two were engaged just two months before, making this attack appear to be out of the blue. However, the model seemed to be over her beau fairly quickly as she said it feels good to be single via social media weeks later. The legend has retaliated by stating that his ex is a serious drug user.

If you would like to obtain a restraining order to keep harassment or threats at bay, it is advised that you hire a family lawyer as soon as possible.
