Latest News 2011 April State Might End Alimony for Life Law

State Might End Alimony for Life Law

Massachusetts may reportedly end their alimony for life law. The state currently has a life-long financial obligation as one of their laws, but a new proposal may change that. Those who lose jobs or income often suffer when they have to obey this law. Attempts at changing this law have failed in the past, but now those previous opposing forces are reportedly coming together. The new law would reportedly end alimony by retirement age and also determine alimony based on marriage length.

Alimony matters are taken very seriously by courts and can involve a number of complications depending on the situation. You need to know that when you are dealing with an alimony situation that you do have rights that should be protected. You can resolve this matter in a beneficial way if your case is handled properly. It’s in your best interest to make sure that your case is settled in the way that you deserve it to be.

By working with a family law lawyer, you will be able to move forward from your family matter and get your life back together. An attorney will always have your best interest in mind while fighting to protect your rights. You can count on a lawyer to know how to approach your case so that it is resolved in the best manner possible. Please take some time today to contact a family law attorney and begin discussing your case.
