Latest News 2011 April Casino Winnings to be Taken Away from Parents Owing Child Support

Casino Winnings to be Taken Away from Parents Owing Child Support

Starting May 20, parents who are behind on their child support payments will have their casino winnings taken away by state law.

The Gaming Control Board, Louisiana's top gambling panel, had no arguments against the new rules and regulations that will control how the money is seized. Once the rules have been enacted by the board, the law will take effect. It states that cash winnings can be intercepted by the state of at least $1,200. This is the amount that would normally have to be reported on tax records if won by anyone in the casino. 

A database is currently in the works, compiled by the Department of Children and Family Services, that will allow casinos to check whether cash winners owe back child support in the state. They will follow in the footsteps who already have similar systems in place. If a casino does find that someone owes money, they will confiscate the amount that is owed, as well as a $35 administrative fee. Should any money be left over after that, it will be paid off to the gambler.

Currently $1 billion is owed to children in Louisiana in the form of back child support payments.

Owed child support?  Now is the time to hire a family lawyer
Categories: Child Support, Family Law
