Latest News 2010 September When Can Child Support Payments be Modified?

When Can Child Support Payments be Modified?

Generally speaking, there are two occasions where child support payments can be modified by the family courts within each state.  First, child support may be modified if the parent that is paying support loses his or her job, experiences a change in job status or experiences a negative change in income.  When parents earn less money, they can request that their payments be modified.

Second, parents may seek child support modification when the parent paying support gets a promotion or starts to make more money.  Due to the fact that the parent has more income, he or she may be asked to pay a higher child support amount.

Do you have questions pertaining to child support or child support modification?  If so, you should take the time to set up an initial consultation with a family law attorney who can provide you with reliable information, direct advice and up-to-date resources.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
