Latest News 2010 March The Economy’s Effect on Child Support

The Economy’s Effect on Child Support

The economy has made it difficult for parents throughout the country to comply with their child support obligations. Whether it’s due to an unexpected job lay-off, a reduction in pay, or trouble finding a new job, financially-strapped parents throughout the U.S. are asking the courts for help.

Men in particular are feeling the impact of the recession, as construction and manufacturing jobs have been hit the hardest by the downturn in the economy, two industries dominated by men. And because women are often awarded primary custody of children, it is the men who have the responsibility of paying child support.

If you are having a hard time making your child support payments, take a moment to consult a divorce attorney about whether or not you have grounds to request a modification. To get a court order modified you must prove that you have experienced a significant change in circumstances that make it extremely difficult to comply with the current order. This might include a job loss, medical emergency, debilitating illness, or lack of success in finding a new job after a layoff. Courts around the country are seeing a surge in child support modifications as a result of the economy, and an attorney can explain to the judge why you deserve to have your child support order modified.

On the flip side, if your ex has failed to make his or her child support payments—money you and your children are depending on—a divorce lawyer can help you ask the court to enforce the order.
