Latest News 2010 March Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

While some divorces are settled through litigation, a divorce can also be settled through mediation, a process much less stressful, time consuming, and expensive than litigation.

During mediation, the parties meet with a neutral, third-party mediator whose job it is to help them reach agreements and settle the various issues at hand, such as spousal support (sometimes referred to as alimony or maintenance), child support, child custody, visitation, and property division. It’s not the mediator’s job to determine an arrangement or issue a ruling, but rather help the parties work together until an agreement or settlement has been reached.

There are several benefits to resolving a divorce through mediation as opposed to litigation. First and foremost, mediation tends to be much less expensive, which ties in to the fact that mediation is also less time consuming. Resolving a divorce through litigation can take months and months. When the parties disagree and have conflicting opinions over how to resolve the issues, it can take time before either side is willing to budge and the case can make headway. The longer it takes to resolve the divorce, the more expensive it will be.

Another benefit to mediation is that many people find it considerably less stressful than divorce. In contested divorces the parties tend to pit themselves against each other. They may use hurtful, obscene language towards one another, make accusations, engage in name-calling, or make other attempts to try and hurt the other party. During mediation, this type of behavior is avoided, and the parties are generally able to reach decisions amicably. Although disagreements can occur during mediation, the purpose of the mediator is to help the parties work through any obstacles so they can continue to move forward in the divorce process.

If you are interested in learning more about divorce mediation, please don’t hesitate to contact a divorce lawyer today to discuss your case!
