Latest News 2010 June Tonya Craft has Private Visitation Hearing

Tonya Craft has Private Visitation Hearing

This week, it is reported that Tonya Craft and her husband had a private hearing to discuss the visitation schedule she will have with her two children.  The hearing took place behind closed doors with Circuit Court Judge Marie L. Williams. 

Both parties had agreed that it would be better to discuss visitation in private than in a courtroom.  Judge Williams consented and allowed the hearing to take place in her chambers as she felt the matter should not be discussed in public.

After the meeting, Craft emerged from the Judge's chambers in tears and would not comment on the matter.  However, her mother said that the hearing was a "step forward". 

For the past two years, the former kindergarten teacher has been dealing with allegations that she molested children in North Georgia.  The litigation led to her being separated from her own children.   Craft was acquitted of her charges on May 11th.

If you would like to secure visitation with your children, you should enlist help from a family law attorney who can serve as your legal advocate.

Categories: Family Law, Visitation
