Latest News 2010 February The Purpose of Hiring a Fathers’ Rights Lawyer

The Purpose of Hiring a Fathers’ Rights Lawyer

Fathers’ Rights have garnered a lot of attention over the years. For a long time, family law courts would favor the mother in matters of child custody, visitation, and child support. Awarding custody to the mother seemed natural, as it was custom in American culture for the woman to stay home and raise children and the men to go out into the workforce.

But as family dynamics changed over the last few decades, judges have begun acknowledging the important role men play in their children’s lives. Instead of automatically awarding custody to the mother and ordering the father to pay child support, the courts are now taking both parents’ rights and wants into consideration, and even more importantly, are trying to award equal custody to both parents if it at all possible. Countless studies have proven that children who have strong relationships with both parents tend to be more well-rounded.

When to Hire a Fathers’ Rights Attorney

While most judges give equal treatment to the mother and father, sometimes a father’s rights are still undermined. A father’s rights attorney can help men who want to ensure their parental rights are acknowledged, upheld, and respected in regards to child custody, visitation, and child support. Sometimes it is the mother who tries to push a man out of the child’s life. An attorney can protect a man’s rights to see and spend time with is children, and make sure the mother does not undermine those rights in anyway. Furthermore, an attorney can explain to the judge why it’s in the child’s best interest to continue spending time with his or her father.

If you are a father or husband facing divorce or a family law dispute, protect your rights and interests by contacting an experienced fathers’ rights attorney today!

Categories: Father's Rights
