Spousal Abuse

Spousal abuse is a form of domestic violence that specifically targets a husband or wife. The reasons vary, but there are some causes that are more prevalent than others. For example, if one spouse was jealous of the other or suspected that they were being unfaithful, it could show itself as domestic abuse. Another factor that has been theorized as a cause is stress. Whatever the reason that the person is under stress, they may choose to take it out on their spouse. Domestic abuse is also a form of extreme bullying. If one spouse wants to control the other, they may use physical strength or emotional manipulation to intimidate the other spouse into doing what they want.

As domestic violence is not only physical, it may appear as manipulation, financial control or psychological abuse. Sexual abuse can also occur within a marriage. Although the couple has engaged in consensual sex, forced sexual activity is still rape. This could also include forcing the spouse into prostitution or attempting sex while the other person is not in their right mind.

Emotional abuse may not be as easy to see signs of and even the victim may not realize that they are in fact being abused. It can range from subtle manipulation to life-threatening threats and is done in an attempt to control the victim. Humiliation, demeaning their self-worth, and controlling who they can or cannot see also fall under the category of emotional abuse.

Physical abuse is very serious as it can result in serious injury and, in some cases, death. Victims will have to live with the scars, sometimes with the full extent of their injury not surfacing until months or years later. Physical spousal abuse also includes withholding necessary things from the victim, such as healthcare, medical attention, food, shelter and proper hygiene.

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